Wednesday, 2 March 2016

The Creative Salesman

Extending from my last post about my visit from the BVE, there was one talk that really stood out for me.

The talk was by Geoff Boyle, a cinematographer who was reviewing about kit.  One piece of advise that said was to: "Learn to be a salesman".

So what does being salesman have to be with being a cinematographer?  Geoff Boyle explained, as the cinematographer, you must sell the idea of the right camera to your producer.

There will be reasons the producer will come up, like 'the camera doesn't produce great visuals' or it does not fit in the budget'.  As the cinematographer, they must persuade the producer, that with their camera skill, he can get those visuals he wants from the camera.

This can relate to the idea as a film maker, you can sell on why video productions is right for your business.  The client, like the producer, might be reluctant on the idea of video.  As the "creative salesman", you must tell them the benefits of video and how it is a useful tool for their business.

There are plenty of ways to sell on video, but that will be another post for another time.

In my experience, selling really scares me.  I worked in retail, and I wasn't very good at it.  However I had to learn how to get sales.  I got my sales by approaching the customer, listen to their needs, then direct them to their desired product.

In video production, it's really the same.  I listen to my client's needs for video production, then give them a solution with my expertise.  If a client wants a ten minute promotional video.  I will advise them, the best solution is to have 90 second video.  Therefore, you wouldn't let your audience loose tract on your message, yet keep the relevant information in the video.

Selling is hard.  As a creative, I bound to get nervous with the idea.  To avoid nervousness, I look at my clients/customers as human beings.  The more we communicate, the more you will get sales.

To leave out on this post.  Here's a clip from Mad Men, to get the Don Draper out of you and start selling.

Are you a creative, who gets stuck with selling?  Is my selling approach the right method?  How do you sell your services to your clients?  Let me know, comment below, tweet me @eugeneeyo or send an email

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