Monday, 22 July 2013

Barrio Portraits

Okay, to spruce it up, I decide to do some portraits of people in Barrio.  This is a whole complete set from the Barrio piece, I attend to put up.  But this was more of an exercise, to see if I could go up to someone and ask to take their photograph.

Five people out of 10 said yes.  I know that sucks, but I did loose confidence when people said no, plus the heat was getting to me.  Also, I did try to limit myself in finding people who I want to photograph, a big loss on that.

But, this was real practice exercise for me.  I will continue to do some street portrait stuff.

So, to the five people that said yes.  Thank you so much.  I forgot all your names, so if you want to e-mail me your details, I will put them up.  It was great talking to you guys, I may appear timid at first and sound sarcastic at times, but I truly meant what I said.  (I really need to work on my people skills).

But tell what you guys think?  Are there thoughts in ways I can improve.

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